CSC-314 Assignments
- Watch the You Tube videos covering genes, SNPs, and where your genes come from linked in the Course Introduction notes
- Install the required software on your personal computer, by following the Software installation instructions on the Course Info page. We will begin using Python in late January / early February.
- Lab #1 - OMIM and Inheritance (Due: Thursday, 02/01/2024)
- Lab #2 - Python Lab (Due: Tuesday, 02/06/2024; submit through Blackboard)
- Lab #3 - DNA and complements (Due: Thursday, 02/08/2024, submit through Blackboard)
- Lab #4 - Gene Expression (Due: Thursday, 02/15/2024; submit a hard copy at the beginning of class)
- Final Project (Assignment
| Rubric) (You may not use your grace period for the final project)
- Project selection (Due: Tuesday, 04/30/2024 by 5:00 PM, answer on Blackboard)
- Final Project (Due: 4:00 PM on 05/09/2024, submit through Blackboard)