Static (default): Element is positioned based on the normal flow of the page (as specified by the HTML tags), and cannot be moved using CSS (e.g., changing 'top' will not change its position
Fixed: element has a fixed position which is relative to the viewable window (the viewport); element will stay in place when user scrolls
Absolute: Like fixed, but the position is relative to its closest parent with non-static position; if there are no non-static parent elements, the element behaves as if it were 'fixed'.
Relative: Its position is relative to its own static position. Setting position to 'relative' can create a reference point for elements with 'absolute' positions
This is the parent div which has the following styles:
This is the child div which has the following styles:
How do we change the h2 headers to blue?
The width of each label should be 100px. Why isn't this the case? Can you fix the code?
Using the form on this page, reposition the divs so that
the parent div is positioned at the top left of the viewable window
the child div is at the top left of the viewable window, and the parent div is in its original position
the child div is at the top left of the parent div, which is at its original position