CSS Display Property

Block level elements start and end with a newline and take up the width of the screen. By default, <div>, <h1>, ..., <h6>, and <p> are block level elements.

Inline elements do not start on a new line and take up only as much space as needed (CSS margins and height will be ignored). By default, <span>, <a> and <img> are inline elements.

Inline-block elements are like inline elements but the height, width, margins, and padding, can be modified

Comparison between block, inline, and inline-block displays

Divs are block level by default
Using a span tag in a div shows that the span tag is inline by default

The divs below have the following styles, but differ with respect to their display properties:

div.one {
	height: 30px;
div.two {
	height: 50px;

Two divs using the default block display (where height can be changed)

This is div.one with the default block display
This is div.two with the default block display

Two divs using the inline display (note that the height property is not honored, and the divs are on the same line)

This is div.one with an inline display
This is div.two with an inline display

Two divs using an inline-block display (height can be changed, the divs are still on the same line)

This is div.one with an inline-block display
This is div.two with an inline-block display